Hello from Costa Rica!
Hello internet friends. We have been in Costa Rica since Friday, honestly, it's been a dream. Except for the fact that I have gotten terrible migraines 3 days in a row, but I love it here.
Today was our first day of orientation at The Spanish Language Institute. It was a little boring we just learned lots of security things. I already know that learning Spanish is going to kick my butt. I have no doubts about that. Only being here for a few days, I am starting to remember a lot of the Spanish that I learned during high school. Last night I had trouble falling asleep because all the Spanish I know just came rushing back at me. As pleased as I was with myself for remembering all of it, it was kinda annoying (lol)
Please continue to keep my family in your mind as we push to get more acclimated to this new culture that we are now apart of. As my mother would jokingly say "Pray for the gift of tongues" it won't be easy trying to change the way we think and learn this new language. Thank you for praying for us as we traveled from Arizona to Costa Rica. Traveling was so smooth and it such a relief to finally be where God wants us.
Thanks for reading!! I will try to make my posts a little more frequent. We are pretty busy trying to get our life all sorted out.