My week.
This week has been pretty rough. I'm not sure if it's one particular reason or if it's lots of little reasons kinda piling up.
Today is my last day of working. Something that I've been looking forward too since the day I started working, but for some reason my heart is broken. These are the first goodbyes I'm having to say.
I've only ever had to say goodbye to a few people in my life, but now I'm saying goodbye to EVERYTHING I've ever known. Don't get me wrong, I am so SO excited to move and start this next chapter of my life, but the process of getting there is hard.
I hope that things get easier, I hope that my friends gather around me and love me, I also hope that the 28 days I have left here fly by. I'm so ready to have a semi-normal life again. One in which I'm not afraid to make new friends and meet new people.
// Thanks for reading!! I'm not sure how many people actually read my blog, but if you do, thanks for reading my random thoughts about life and my struggles. Please pray for me as this next month flies by. There are a lot of things/people in my life right now that are making it hard to be happy. //